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A Plan for Resiliency

NYCEDC and MOCEJ released the Financial District and Seaport Climate Resilience Plan, a blueprint for comprehensive flood defense infrastructure to protect Lower Manhattan from the urgent threat of climate change. The FiDi and Seaport Climate Resilience Plan is a shared City-community vision rooted in technical feasibility that reimagines the one-mile stretch of shoreline between the Battery and the Brooklyn Bridge and creates a resilient waterfront that will safeguard Lower Manhattan against severe coastal storms and rising sea levels.

To protect this area, the plan proposes extending the existing shoreline into the East River by up to 200 feet (approximately one city block) to accommodate a new multilevel waterfront that will provide flood protection while also adding new open space. The upper level will be elevated to protect against severe storms like Sandy, while doubling as public open spaces with sweeping views of the city and harbor. The lower level will be a continuous waterfront esplanade, raised to protect against sea-level rise while connecting New Yorkers to the water's edge.

In addition to the FiDi and Seaport Climate Resilience Plan, the City, State, and federal governments have committed over $1.7 billion in capital investments protection for coastal in Lower Manhattan.

FiDi & Seaport Climate Resilience Master Plan
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  • Executive Summary
  • Chapter 1: Introduction
  • Chapter 2: Master Plan Process
  • Chapter 3: Waterfront Past to Present
  • Chapter 4: The Impacts of Climate Change
  • Chapter 5: A Resilient 21st-Century Waterfront
  • Chapter 6: Implementation Roadmap
  • Chapter 7: Next Steps and Call to Action
  • Glossary of Terms
Master Plan Appendices
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  • Engagement Process & Findings Elaborates on Chapter 2: Master Plan Process, “Building a Shared Vision”.
  • Existing Conditions Assessment Elaborates on Chapter 3: Waterfront Past to Present, “The Waterfront Today”.
  • Estimated Costs of Inaction Elaborates on Chapter 4: The Impacts of Climate Change, “What Happens if Nothing is Done?”.
  • Flood Defense Alignment Studies Elaborates on Chapter 5: A Resilient 21st-Century Waterfront; “Flood Defense”. Download
  • Stormwater Management Studies Elaborates on Chapter 5: A Resilient 21st-Century Waterfront; “Stormwater Management”.
  • Access and Circulation Studies Elaborates on Chapter 5: A Resilient 21st-Century Waterfront; “Access and Circulation”.
  • Transportation & Maritime Infrastructure Studies Elaborates on Chapter 5: A Resilient 21st-Century Waterfront; “Maritime”.
  • Hydrodynamic Modeling Results Elaborates on Chapter 5: A Resilient 21st-Century Waterfront; “Maritime”.
  • Sampling & Testing Year 1 and 2 Elaborates on Chapter 5: A Resilient 21st-Century Waterfront; “Ecology”.
  • Public Open Spaces and Public Serving Uses Studies Elaborates on Chapter 5: A Resilient 21st-Century Waterfront; “Public Open Spaces and Public-Serving Uses”.
  • Detailed Master Plan Design Rationale and Drawings Elaborates on Chapter 5: A Resilient 21st-Century Waterfront; “Shaping a Resilient 21st-Century Waterfront”.
  • Early project Cost Estimates Elaborates on Chapter 6: Implementation Roadmap; “Funding and Financing”.
  • Paying for the Master Plan: Potential Options Elaborates on Chapter 6: Implementation Roadmap; “Funding and Financing”.

Technical Feasibility

The FiDi and Seaport Climate Resilience Plan’s success is dependent on the technical feasibility of the design to protect Lower Manhattan from flooding while maintaining the critical functions that the waterfront provides today. Extensive studies were conducted to identify existing conditions and suitability of different flood-defense tools that could be used in this area.

  • Battery Maritime Building Flood Protection Technical analysis of flood alignment options to protect the Battery Maritime Building.
  • On-Land Alignment Memo Analysis of the challenges to constructing the flood protection on-land.

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